As an organization enabler, IT needs to ensure users can access the apps they need to be productive.

In my experience, app management is always a delicate balance.
But what if the folks using macOS in your organization have admin privileges to their system? How do you handle the upkeep on non-critical apps that users install out of convenience or familiarity? “Managed” Versus “Updated” Apps Apple provides Time Machine as part of the operating system and is a good option.How much time do you spend packaging and deploying new versions of macOS apps? An updated version of Chrome? Check! The latest version of Zoom? Check! And on it continues across the twenty, or fifty, or more apps in your organization. Please ensure you have up to date backups before upgrading the operating system in case of unforeseen issues.

As such it is advisable to be running one of the supported OS versions, if possible. Unsupported OS versions do not receive updates for the OS, applications or security so any problems that have arisen since the OS has been out of support will not have been fixed. From the box appearing, you will have a line that reads, e.g.:.From the Apple menu , click About this Mac.Information on when your Mac was made can be found by doing the following:
If you aren't able to upgrade to the latest version of macOS, you can find links below to directly download the relevant version required. Each link provides information on which Macs can run which OS version, specified by production date. This means that the new OS is installed over the top of the old operating system, leaving files and applications in place. Operating System (OS) upgrades are performed in-place. Your Mac will notify you when updates are ready to install. To automatically download updates in the future, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click App Store, then select “ Download newly available updates in the background”. Later versions may be available by upgrading your macOS. That includes Safari, iTunes, iBooks, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos and FaceTime.

If any updates are available, click the Update Now button to install them.